Problems with BC 151 and Java 8
AWS - Jean-marc Allier
2014-10-21 12:09:59 UTC
Hi every one

We are migrating our application to BC 151, bur we have some problems to execute our
applet with Java 8.

We have tried to import the BC jar file in the applets tag like this

<applet code="Applet.class" archive="ourJar.jar, bcpkix-jdk15on-151.jar,
bcprov-jdk15on-151.jar" width="700" height="700">

With this solution Java doesn't execute the applet because the BC jar is considered as
autosigned... we have also an error about OCSP and the CA.
If I change the security settings to add my web site in the exception site list, I can
execute the applet and I can Use BC provider.

We have tried to include all the BC source files in our netbeans project like we did with
the old version of bouncy castle. And then make a jar file signed with our certificate. We
can execute the applet correctly but when we need to use de BC provider we get the error :

Exception : cannot create key generator: JCE cannot authenticate the provider BC

The jar is compiled with a JDK 1.6
Java 1.8.25 is used to execute the applet.

Does anything has changed in the new BC lib, we used a very old one (140) ?
Why Java did not accept the jar directly ?

How could we do to use the BC provider correctly without cgnging the security settings ?

*Jean-Marc ALLIER*
Responsable technique
*AWS - Avenue-Web Systèmes <http://www.aws-france.com/>*
Tél. : 04 80 04 12 60 - Fax : 04 76 44 02 73
97 rue du Général Mangin - 38000 Grenoble

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David Hook
2014-10-21 23:25:39 UTC
I'm not sure I understand this one, I think all you should need to do is
sign the bc jars again, leaving the BC signature in place - that way
both the JCE and the browser should be happy.

Have you tried that?


Post by AWS - Jean-marc Allier
Hi every one
We are migrating our application to BC 151, bur we have some problems
to execute our applet with Java 8.
We have tried to import the BC jar file in the applets tag like this
<applet code="Applet.class" archive="ourJar.jar,
bcpkix-jdk15on-151.jar, bcprov-jdk15on-151.jar" width="700" height="700">
With this solution Java doesn't execute the applet because the BC jar
is considered as autosigned... we have also an error about OCSP and
the CA.
If I change the security settings to add my web site in the exception
site list, I can execute the applet and I can Use BC provider.
We have tried to include all the BC source files in our netbeans
project like we did with the old version of bouncy castle. And then
make a jar file signed with our certificate. We can execute the applet
Exception : cannot create key generator: JCE cannot authenticate the provider BC
The jar is compiled with a JDK 1.6
Java 1.8.25 is used to execute the applet.
Does anything has changed in the new BC lib, we used a very old one (140) ?
Why Java did not accept the jar directly ?
How could we do to use the BC provider correctly without cgnging the security settings ?
*Jean-Marc ALLIER*
Responsable technique
*AWS - Avenue-Web Systèmes <http://www.aws-france.com/>*
Tél. : 04 80 04 12 60 - Fax : 04 76 44 02 73
97 rue du Général Mangin - 38000 Grenoble
/Dématérialisation des Achats, et du Contrôle de Légalité
AWS-Besoin - AWS-Rédac - AWS-AchatsAWS-Légalité/
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sont déformés, altérés ou falsifiés.
Uri Blumenthal
2014-10-22 03:56:15 UTC
I think it's one of two possible problems.

1. His BC provider jar isn't signed by JCE-chained key (that was issued/certified by Oracle). Whatever other signatures he may have on that jar is irrelevant - only the JCE-based one counts. In this case the solution is to just use your jars (i.e. download them from www.bouncycastle.org<http://www.bouncycastle.org> site). Or apply to Oracle for a JCE-signing cert.

2. There's a problem is checking jar signature when it is specified with the applet jar. In that case I've no idea how to remedy it, as I haven't tried to use applets with other libraries/jars. The BC jar should somehow be in the class path/codebase - but I don't know where it should be, or how to specify it on the web page.

Sent from my iPad

On Oct 21, 2014, at 19:26, David Hook <dgh-lQXO3U89oAbxy1ys+oinMti2O/***@public.gmane.org<mailto:***@autochthonous.org>> wrote:

I'm not sure I understand this one, I think all you should need to do is sign the bc jars again, leaving the BC signature in place - that way both the JCE and the browser should be happy.

Have you tried that?



On 21/10/14 23:09, AWS - Jean-marc Allier wrote:
Hi every one

We are migrating our application to BC 151, bur we have some problems to execute our applet with Java 8.

We have tried to import the BC jar file in the applets tag like this

<applet code="Applet.class" archive="ourJar.jar, bcpkix-jdk15on-151.jar, bcprov-jdk15on-151.jar" width="700" height="700">

With this solution Java doesn't execute the applet because the BC jar is considered as autosigned... we have also an error about OCSP and the CA.
If I change the security settings to add my web site in the exception site list, I can execute the applet and I can Use BC provider.

We have tried to include all the BC source files in our netbeans project like we did with the old version of bouncy castle. And then make a jar file signed with our certificate. We can execute the applet correctly but when we need to use de BC provider we get the error :

Exception : cannot create key generator: JCE cannot authenticate the provider BC

The jar is compiled with a JDK 1.6
Java 1.8.25 is used to execute the applet.

Does anything has changed in the new BC lib, we used a very old one (140) ?
Why Java did not accept the jar directly ?

How could we do to use the BC provider correctly without cgnging the security settings ?


Jean-Marc ALLIER
Responsable technique
AWS - Avenue-Web Systèmes<http://www.aws-france.com/>
Tél. : 04 80 04 12 60 - Fax : 04 76 44 02 73
97 rue du Général Mangin - 38000 Grenoble

Dématérialisation des Achats, et du Contrôle de Légalité
AWS-Besoin - AWS-Rédac - AWS-AchatsAWS-Légalité

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AWS - Jean-marc Allier
2014-10-22 09:59:27 UTC
It works !!
I have signed the BC Jar with our certificate and the applet could execute without any
sercurity restriction or exception.
thank you

*Jean-Marc ALLIER*
Responsable technique
*AWS - Avenue-Web Systèmes <http://www.aws-france.com/>*
Tél. : 04 80 04 12 60 - Fax : 04 76 44 02 73
97 rue du Général Mangin - 38000 Grenoble

/Dématérialisation des Achats, et du Contrôle de Légalité
AWS-Besoin - AWS-Rédac - AWS-AchatsAWS-Légalité/

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Post by Uri Blumenthal
I'm not sure I understand this one, I think all you should need to do is sign the bc
jars again, leaving the BC signature in place - that way both the JCE and the browser
should be happy.
Have you tried that?
Post by AWS - Jean-marc Allier
Hi every one
We are migrating our application to BC 151, bur we have some problems to execute our
applet with Java 8.
We have tried to import the BC jar file in the applets tag like this
<applet code="Applet.class" archive="ourJar.jar, bcpkix-jdk15on-151.jar,
bcprov-jdk15on-151.jar" width="700" height="700">
With this solution Java doesn't execute the applet because the BC jar is considered as
autosigned... we have also an error about OCSP and the CA.
If I change the security settings to add my web site in the exception site list, I can
execute the applet and I can Use BC provider.
We have tried to include all the BC source files in our netbeans project like we did
with the old version of bouncy castle. And then make a jar file signed with our
certificate. We can execute the applet correctly but when we need to use de BC provider
Exception : cannot create key generator: JCE cannot authenticate the provider BC
The jar is compiled with a JDK 1.6
Java 1.8.25 is used to execute the applet.
Does anything has changed in the new BC lib, we used a very old one (140) ?
Why Java did not accept the jar directly ?
How could we do to use the BC provider correctly without cgnging the security settings ?
*Jean-Marc ALLIER*
Responsable technique
*AWS - Avenue-Web Systèmes <http://www.aws-france.com/>*
Tél. : 04 80 04 12 60 - Fax : 04 76 44 02 73
97 rue du Général Mangin - 38000 Grenoble
/Dématérialisation des Achats, et du Contrôle de Légalité
AWS-Besoin - AWS-Rédac - AWS-AchatsAWS-Légalité/
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