TLS handshakes take very long
Martin Körper
2014-07-30 09:15:43 UTC

I'm using bouncycastle 1.51 with latest openjdk 1.7 shipped with
opensuse 13.1.

I was doing some tests with TlsServerProtocol and noticed that since bc
1.51 TLS handshakes take very long (4-5 seconds after the 10th
connection attempt in my case).

I tracked it down to AbstractTlsContext line 34:

Maybe someone has an idea how to fix this?

Thank you.

Martin Körper
Eckenfels. Bernd
2014-07-30 10:29:37 UTC

Using generateSeed is rather unfortunate, this enforces to shortcut the PRNG and will in most cases directly query the native /dev/random provider. I think it is enough to use the normal random numbers - especially when the SecureRandom can be configured.

Anyway, in your case you need to ensure a full entropy pool. In case of SUSE it is normally not a problem when havegd daemon is running, which would be my recommendation.

From: Martin Körper [martin.koerper-***@public.gmane.org]
Sent: Wednesday, July 30, 2014 11:15
To: dev-crypto-***@public.gmane.org
Subject: [dev-crypto] TLS handshakes take very long


I'm using bouncycastle 1.51 with latest openjdk 1.7 shipped with
opensuse 13.1.

I was doing some tests with TlsServerProtocol and noticed that since bc
1.51 TLS handshakes take very long (4-5 seconds after the 10th
connection attempt in my case).

I tracked it down to AbstractTlsContext line 34:

Maybe someone has an idea how to fix this?

Thank you.

Martin Körper

SEEBURGER AG Vorstand/Seeburger Executive Board:
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Peter Dettman
2014-08-25 05:11:46 UTC
FYI, AbstractTlsContext has now been changed so that it doesn't call
SecureRandom.generateSeed anymore, but just nextBytes.
Post by Eckenfels. Bernd
Using generateSeed is rather unfortunate, this enforces to shortcut the PRNG and will in most cases directly query the native /dev/random provider. I think it is enough to use the normal random numbers - especially when the SecureRandom can be configured.
Anyway, in your case you need to ensure a full entropy pool. In case of SUSE it is normally not a problem when havegd daemon is running, which would be my recommendation.
Sent: Wednesday, July 30, 2014 11:15
Subject: [dev-crypto] TLS handshakes take very long
I'm using bouncycastle 1.51 with latest openjdk 1.7 shipped with
opensuse 13.1.
I was doing some tests with TlsServerProtocol and noticed that since bc
1.51 TLS handshakes take very long (4-5 seconds after the 10th
connection attempt in my case).
Maybe someone has an idea how to fix this?
Thank you.
Martin Körper