OpenPGP - basic test cases and validation library
KB Sriram
2014-06-23 17:32:29 UTC
If you use the OpenPGP bits of bouncycastle, you may be interested
in a small set of basic test cases focused on things that potentially have a
security impact.


It's not a complete set of tests or anything, just hope you find it a
useful addition to test cases within your own application. And if you
have tests cases of this nature you can contribute, I'd love to add
them to the repository - please do let me know!

In addition I've added an example validation library that uses
the 1.50 BC java libraries[1] - you can find more details at


Hope you find one or both of these handy within your own

[1] Thanks David for fixes/enhancements to bcpg 1.51! I hope to update
the above code to 1.51 over time.
